RV Slide Out Under-Glow LED Light Kit
Adding under-glow lighting to RV slide outs is becoming more popular. Doing so not only adds a pleasant glow under your RV's slide outs, it can provide on-demand functional lighting for the area immediately below the slide outs; which can be particularly helpful at night since that area usually includes storage bay access. And because the light is under the slide out, it's not as bright as it might be if under the awning. In fact, some folks prefer the glow coming from under-slide lighting than they do awning lighting for this very reason. While Slide Out under-glow lighting is typically installed along with a full perimeter under-glow light system under the entire RV, it's not always the case. Under slide out lighting can be installed stand alone or as part of a larger lighting system.
This product page is very detailed. We urge you to take time to thoroughly read the information on this product page before making your purchase decision. Slide Out Under-Glow lighting can be tricky. Make sure you review the options and plan your install carefully. This product page includes a video too of how to install slide out under-glow lights we recommend viewing.
This RV slide out under-glow LED light kit can be configured for one or two slide outs. The slide-out lengths offered will fit slides from 4' to 24'. They're available in eight single color options and three multi-color options: RGB, RGBW and RGBA (details about these are in this product description). The kit can be configured as a stand alone light kit with it's own controller and it can be configured to integrate with an existing Boogey Lights® LED light kit such as a full-perimeter Under-Glow light kit as seen in many of the product photos on this page. The light kit can be powered using 12vdc power or if you purchase the optional 120vac to 12vdc power converter it can be plugged into most 120vac outlets that will support the amperage draw.
Before going too far into the product details, it is important to understand that installing slide out under-glow lighting is perhaps the most challenging type of LED lighting you can add to your RV. We do it regularly here at our facility but it's definitely the most difficult. Three main reasons for this:
First, the LED strip needs a smooth flat mounting surface of about 1/2" wide. This means the bottom of the slide out (or the inside of slide out face itself if you want the LED light shining in ward towards the side of the Rv ) has to have at least that much room to mount the LED strip such that when the slide out retracts into the side of the RV the LED strip isn't crushed. That last part is crucial. For most RVs this isn't an issue but there are some where it can be. So before doing anything, take a close look at the bottom of the slide outs you want to light up. You can usually tell pretty quickly if you'll have room to mount the LED strip. If your slide is on rollers (most are), you'll be able to observe the roller marks on the bottom of the slide out to see where they stop when the slide is fully seated inside the RV. Another way to tell is to place some light colored masking or electrical tape on the areas where you think you can mount the LED strip. Then, bring the slide out fully in - and, out again. Now, look at that tape. If there aren't any roller marks on that tape you should be good. If there are roller marks, you absolutely can not use that location for mounting your LED strip.
Second, the LED strip power lead has to be routed inside the slide out some way so it can connect to the controller or power source inside the RV. To do that almost always requires drilling a hole in the bottom of the slide out OR in the side of the slide out such that the LED strip power lead can be fished through that hole (sealing the holes of course afterwards). On some RVs you may be able to fish that power lead wire inside the cable tray that often in under the slide out which is built in. The challenge with doing it this way is that those cable trays are usually in the middle or off-set a little to one side of the slide out whereas the power lead for the LED strip is at the very end of the LED strip at either end of the slide. So that power lead will have to loop back toward the center of the slide out where it can then enter the cable tray. Making that hair pin turn with the power lead and securely affixing the power lead to the slide out such that it won't fall out, move or be crushed by the slide when it retracts into the RV can be challenging. If we can make the cable tray work, that's usually our first choice however in most cases, we end up drilling through the side of the slide out a few inches up from the bottom of the slide and into the slide out that way (carefully sealing that hole with Lexel). We realize lots of folks cringe at the thought of drilling a hole in their slide out which is why we are mentioning this now. Truth is, it's not difficult. We do it almost every day. As long as you take the time to cafefully seal the hole (inside and out), you don't have to worry about water intrusion.
Third, by definition a slide out moves in and out of the RV. Anything attached to that slide out will move too. The challenge becomes connecting that LED strip power lead affixed to the slide out to the LED controller or power source inside the RV. If you're OK with having a dedicated LED controller or switch for the slide out lighting, then the solution is to simply mount the LED controller on the slide itself so it too moves with the slide. All components of the slide lighting move together. The problem with this configuration is if you have more than one slide you're trying to light, you now need a controller (with remote) or switching mechanism for each slide out. Operationally it's a little cumbersome having different hand held remotes for each slide (and even worse if you have another remote for the RV's full perimeter under-glow system too). The ideal solution is to connect all of the slide out under-glow lights to one controller (single zone or dual zone) so you have one remote to control the slide out lighting. The challenge here is that you'll need to find a way to fish the power leads from each slide out to one central location in the RV and that location is stationary -- it doesn't move with the slides. It can be done. We've done it many times but it's something that takes time and planning. In many case you'll need to spend time investigating how your RV is built. For example, we'll often use existing wire and plumbing chase walls to run the power leads. Doing so allows you to fish the power lead wire down into the basement area of the RV and over to the battery bay where the controller is mounted. When doing this, the trick is making sure you leave enough slack in that power lead wire so it can move with the slide out. We typically will allocate an additional 2 hours of installation time when the customer wants more than one slide out on the same controller - or - wants to operate the slide out lighting on a dual zone controller that's shared with a full perimeter under-glow light system.
If you plan on doing a DIY slide out under-glow light installation, be sure to consider each of the above issues carefully when planning your slide out lighting system configuration. Scroll down to view an installation video of us installing under-glow lighting on two slide outs on the passenger's side of an RV. You'll get a better idea of how we did it.
LED Strip Length: Select the length of the LED strip. The default is 12' which is a common slide out length. You can however adjust the length. Note that the maximum length of one LED strip is 16'. They cannot be daisy chained. You can however purchase multiple strips to give the illusion of a single LED strip. More information below.
LED Strip Length 2: Optional. If you have two slide outs you want to add under-glow light to, use this option. Select the length of LED strip number two if desired. The default is NONE. You can however adjust the length. Note that the maximum length of one LED strip is 16'. They cannot be daisy chained. You can however purchase multiple strips to give the illusion of a single LED strip. More information below.
Color Configuration: Select the LED color configuration you want from the drop down box. Single Color, Multi-Color RGB or Multi-Color RGBx. See CONFIG tab for more detail on the multi-color options. Your color configuration choice here will determine the next two options presented: LED Color Option and Kit Configuration Option.
Kit Configuration: Select the type of switch/controller combination you want from the drop down. These options are specific to[ the LED Color Configuration you select. See the CONFIG and CONTROLLER tabs for more details on these options.
Optional - Add Power Converter: Boogey Lights LED lighting systems are native 12vdc systems. As long as you have 12vdc power available, that's all you need. Some folks however prefer to use 120vac because it might be more easily accessible in their RV. If so, we offer a 5AMP, 10AMP and 20AMP AC to DC power converter. Make your selection from the drop down box.
You'll notice we offer TWO LED Strip Length options for this light kit. That's because this light kit can be configured for two slide outs which is common for many RVs. A typical configuration for many customers is to add under-glow lighting on the slide outs located on the passenger's side of their RV which will often have two slide outs. If so, one LED Controller will be used to power both LED strips. Another possibility is that some customers want to use two LED strips on the same slide out. If for example your slide out has a cable tray in the middle of it and you want to run the power leads through that cable tray it can be easier to use two led strips vs one to avoid having to loop back the power lead. The product can be configured either way. If you order the second LED strip, it will be configured the same as the first. If for example the first LED strip is RGB, so too will the second strip. If you don't need the second LED strip, leave the default setting at NONE.
The maximum length of a single LED strip is 16 feet. One single 16' LED strip contains 300 super-bright LEDs. For shorter or longer lengths, use the KIT CONFIGURATION drop down box which offers these lengths: 16', 14', 12', 10', 8', 6', 4', 24' (2 - 12'), 20' (2 - 10') and 18' (1-10', 1-8'). Each led strip includes a 15' power lead hard wired to one end of the LED strip. However, the kit configurations that have two (2) LED strips, each strip will include a 15' power lead however we'll include an additional 15' of power lead so you can extend one of them depending on how you mount them. There are no connectors. Connectors are the single most common point of failure in all other lighting brands. Boogey Lights LED strips all are hardwired by design. Single color LED strips have 2 conductor power lead. RGB has 4 conductor power leads. RGBW and RGBA have 5. Single Color and RGB led strips are 3/8" wide (10mm). RGBW and RGBA are 1/2" wide (12mm). All are 1/8" high/thick. Be sure to click on the CONFIG navigation tab on this product page. It includes details and explanations for all of the options offered on the LED CONFIGURATION and the KIT CONFIGURATION drop down boxes.
Color Options and Considerations
This Slide Out Under-Glow light kit is offered in eight single color options and in the following multi-color configurations: RGB, RGBW (RGB + warm white) and RGBA (RGB + amber). If installing single color LEDs you'll need a switch of some kind. We offer a couple of wireless options. For multi-color installations, we offer a number of LED controller options depending on the type of RGB led strip you buy. You'll find a more detailed discussion on these options under the CONFIG and CONTROLLER tabs on this product page. Note that the switching and controller options offered will change based on your COLOR CONFIGURATION choice.
For the RGB options, we offer both a 4 button Key Fob or 15 button G2 M7 style wireless RF remote. For the RGBx options, we offer a 15 button G2 M7 style wirless RF remote. All of these controller options are our latest GEN2 COMBO RF + Bluetooth LED Controllers. Note that these controller options are based on LED capacity. See the CONFIG and CONTROLLER tabs on this product page for signficantly more detail on these RGB and RGBx LED Controller options. You'll also find a photo comparison in the product carousel.
These RGB/RGBx LED controllers also allow you to use your Bluetooth enabled smartphone and our free IOS/Android APP to operate the lights. With the included RF remote you can change between 7 pre-set colors (Red, Green, Blue, White / 6000k, Light Blue, Lime Green/Yellow, Hot Pink/Purple) and functions of on/off, dimming (7 levels), strobing/flashing, breathing and blending. You can also use your Bluetooth enabled smart phone to create a custom look. The Bluetooth APP allows you to program the RGB diodes of any of our RGB, RGBW and RGBA LED strips with over 16 million different color combinations plus three pre-sets. Also, the Bluetooth APP offers 2 and 3 color rotation programming. Click the APP navigation tab on this product page for significantly more information on both the Bluetooth capabilities and APP functionality (including a video showing how the Bluetooth APP works).
What is RGBW? On the RGBW led strip, in addition to RGB, you get one extra diode which is Warm White. That warm white diode has a Kelvin temperature of 2400 which means it has a yellowish look giving it a warmer, softer, candle like look (see photo below). That fourth diode on the RGBW led strip is often wired to an existing OEM switch allowing you to turn on just the warm white diode with the flip of a switch. Other options include adding a dimmer switch or even another LED controller just to operate that fourth warm white diode. See the CONFIG tab on this product page for more details on this option.
What is RGBA? On the RGBA led strip, in addition to RGB, you get one extra diode which is AMBER. That fourth diode on the RGBA led strip is often wired to an existing OEM switch allowing you to turn on just the AMBER diode with the flip of a switch. Other options include adding a dimmer switch or even another LED controller just to operate that fourth warm white diode. See the CONFIG tab on this product page for more details on this option.
VIDEO: Installing on Multiple Slide Outs
In this video we show you how we installed Boogey Lights on top and under-neath (Under-Glow) the passenger side slide-outs and connected them to the same LED controller. It's a detailed installation that takes time but we think the end result is worth it.
No two installation scenarios are the same. Not everyone shares the same installation quality goals. Some folks are OK with twisting wires together, others want to solder them. Some folks are OK with running wires where they may be seen or unprotected to save money/time, others want a tidy, clean install without any wires showing. Some folks are OK with mounting their LED strips to whatever surface they can find, others want to take the time necessary to build out appropriate mounting surfaces to provide the best lighting effect on their vehicle. The point is it's not possible to provide all the materials necessary for all installation scenarios and quality goals. Our light kits provide the essential components needed for a high-quality, functioning lighting system. Installation of our light kit to your specific vehicle may however require additional items to make it look and fit the way you want. This is particularly the case with electrical wiring and mounting of LED strips. Before proceeding with your installation we suggest you consider THESE OTHER ITEMS.
The LEDs used in this product are very bright; the brightest 12vdc LED lights available. They're designed to be used for accent lighting applications where they are typically powered on for a few hours (usually on a dimmed setting) and then powered off. While they can be used in functional lighting applications (e.g. bright white to temporarily illuminate a work area), the lights should NOT be left powered on for extended periods of time (e.g. 6+ hours). If the LEDs are left powered on for long periods of time - particularly on their brightest setting - the LEDs closest to the power source will have a burned look to them over time. This is because the amount of voltage being pulled through the LEDs closest to the power source will be higher than the voltage going through the LEDs further down the strip. The end result is that those LEDs closest to the power source will be hotter thus creating the burned look. This will occur mostly when displaying the color white on a full brightness setting but can also occur with other colors. For this reason, we do NOT suggest leaving these LED lights powered up for extended periods of time particularly on their brightest setting. Burned looking LEDs is NOT covered under warranty.
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Will Boogey Lights® Work with Other Brands?
The short answer is probably not. All Boogey Lights® RGB LED strips are COMMON CATHODE LEDS. They share a common ground and will only work with positively switched controllers. Most LED strips on the market today are COMMON ANODE because the controller technology used to power them is less expensive to manufacture. However they're not nearly as bright and are an overall inferior design when compared with COMMON CATHODE LEDs. For more information, click the button below.
Unlike most every other light kit out there, these light kits are ACCENT LIGHT KITS. When mounted properly, you'll never see the LED lights themselves. You'll only see the glow from the LEDs. If you're interested in learning more about WHY Boogey Lights are different than any other LED lighting system on the market, click here: WHY BOOGEY LIGHTS . We do a deep dive into the ten differences between Boogey Lights® and all the others.
A Word About 12vdc Power
All Boogey Lights® controllers and LED strips operate on 12vdc which is readily available on any RV made and offered for sale in North America. An essential skill with installation of any Boogey Lights LED products is knowing how to correctly wire the product to a 12vdc circuit. This includes understanding the importance of having a properly sized fuse at the power source, polarity, how to properly seal an electrical connection, using properly sized wire gauge for the load, measuring voltage and measuring the additional amperage draw you're adding. Be mindful of the amount of amperage you're drawing through your lighting circuit and to not exceed the circuit component limitations. The amount of power (amps) you're pulling through the circuit will vary based on a combination of three factors: 1) The number of LEDs in the circuit, 2) the amount of copper wire in the circuit and 3) the input voltage to the circuit. The amperage ratings for our switches, controllers and LEDs assume 12.5 vdc input or less. If you are uncertain or unfamiliar with any of these concepts, we urge you to ask someone who has the knowledge to assist you. Electricity is unforgiving.
The information on this page provides more detail about the product options you can select for this product. Simply click on each text box to expand the section about the topic.
You'll notice we offer TWO LED Strip Length options for this light kit. That's because this light kit can be configured for two slide outs which is common for many RVs. A typical configuration for many customers is to add under-glow lighting on the slide outs located on the passenger's side of their RV which will often have two slide outs. If so, one LED Controller will be used to power both LED strips. Another possibility is that some customers want to use two LED strips on the same slide out. If for example your slide out has a cable tray in the middle of it and you want to run the power leads through that cable tray it can be easier to use two led strips vs one to avoid having to loop back the power lead. The product can be configured either way. If you order the second LED strip, it will be configured the same as the first. If for example the first LED strip is RGB, so too will the second strip. If you don't need the second LED strip, leave the default setting at NONE.
The default length is 12' which is a common length for many slide outs. For shorter or longer lengths, use the KIT CONFIGURATION drop down box which offers these lengths: 16' 14', 12', 10', 8', 6', 4', 24' (2 - 12'), 20' (2 - 10') and 18' (1-10', 1-8'). Regardless of the length, each led strip includes a 15' power lead hard wired to one end of the LED strip. There are no connectors. Single color LED strips have 2 conductor power lead. RGB has 4 conductor power leads. RGBW and RGA both have 6 conductor power lead although on the RGBW, only 5 of the 6 leads are used. Single Color and RGB led strips are 3/8" wide (10mm). RGBW and RGBA are 1/2" wide (12mm). All are 1/8" high/thick.
The maximum length of a single LED strip is 16'. They cannot be daisy chained together. The laws of electricity won't allow it to go longer with today's commericially available technology using 12vdc power and super bright 5050 led chips. If you have a slide out that is longer than 16' (e.g. 20'), you have two options. One is to simply center the 16' LED strip in that 20' space. Boogey Lights are already very bright so for most folks, having enough light is never a concern. This is what most people do. That said, some prefer to have full coverage of the entire 20' area. In that case it's possible to cover that entire 20' span using two LED strips. In the case of a 20' span you can order two - 10' LED strips using the KIT CONFIGURATION drop down selection above. You'll notice we offer the option of 2 - 10' LED strips (20' total coverage) as well as 2 - 12' LED strips (24' total coverage). Regardless of how you break up the 20' span, the two LED strips (totalling 20') are installed such that the two LED strips butt together; end to end, which gives the illusion of a single 20' long LED strip.
This product can be purchased in three color configurations: SINGLE COLOR, MULTI-COLOR RGB and MULTI-COLOR RGBx where 'x' is a variable for either warm white (RGBW) or amber (RGBA). The selection you make here will determine additional options presented.
Single color simply means the LED strip is one color all the time. The color cannot be changed. The color you choose is the color you get.
RGB Multi-Color means you can change or select different colors. All of the multi-color RGB options require an LED controller to operate. The advantage of RGB over a single color LED strip is that RGB gives you the ability to change colors as well as access other features such as dimming, flashing, breathing and color blending. With the bluetooth interface, you can save favorite color/feature sets as well as program 2 or 3 color rotation sequences. More detail about these advanced features can be found on this product page. With RGB you can choose between 7 colors using the hand held wireless remote (Red, Green, Blue, White / 6000k, Light Blue, Lime Green/Yellow, Hot Pink/Purple) and 16 million (using the bluetooth APP) different color combinations.
RGBx Multi-Color offers the same features as RGB with the addition of a fourth diode. We offer two RGBx options: RGBW and RGBA. RGBW is by far the most popular for RVs. RGBW includes all of the RGB colors and capabilities plus the addition of a warm white diode (2400 kelvin temp). Warm white is often referred to as a 'candle white' or 'soft white'. RGBA includes all of the RGB colors and capabilities plus the addition of an amber diode. Amber attracts fewer bugs than white. It's also not nearly as bright; easier on the eye at night which some folks prefer.
The LED color options presented here will vary based on what your COLOR CONFIGURATION selection is in the previous step. Here's are the available options for all color configurations:
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- White (6000k, aka 'cool white')
- Orange
- Amber
- Pink
- Magenta (Hot Purple)
- RGBW (RGB + White)
- RGBA (RGB + Amber)
Single color simply means the LED strip is one color all the time. The color cannot be changed. The color you choose is the color you get. Multi-color means you can change or select different colors. All of the multi-color RGB options require an LED controller to operate. The advantage of RGB over a single color LED strip is that RGB gives you the ability to change colors as well as access other features such as dimming, flashing, breathing and color blending. With the bluetooth interface, you can save favorite color/feature sets as well as program 2 or 3 color rotation sequences. More detail about these advanced features can be found on this product page. With RGB you can choose between 7 colors using the hand held wireless remote (Red, Green, Blue, White / 6000k, Light Blue, Lime Green/Yellow, Hot Pink/Purple) and 16 million (using the bluetooth APP) different color combinations. RGBW includes all of the RGB colors and capabilities plus the addition of a warm white diode (2400 kelvin temp). Warm white is often referred to as a 'candle white' or 'soft white'. RGBA includes all of the RGB colors and capabilities plus the addition of an amber diode. Amber attracts fewer bugs than white. It's also not nearly as bright; easier on the eye at night which some folks prefer. Make your selection from the LED COLOR OPTION drop down. Click on the KELVIN SCALE button below for more information on the difference in color temperature.
The configuration options are the switching and/or controller selections you want for your light kit. The KIT CONFIGURATION options presented will vary based on your COLOR CONFIGURATION selection (SINGLE COLOR, MULTI-COLOR RGB and MULTI-COLOR RGBx). Here is an overview of each.
If you're purchasing a single color LED strip, at minimum you'll need a way to turn it on and off. Some customers may want the ability to dim the lights too. We offer the following switching and control options for those who are interested in purchasing a Single Color LED strip.
- No switches (provide your own). Select this option if you already have a means by which to switch the light on/off. Just be aware of the circuit capabilities of your existing switch. As a point of reference, a single 16' long LED strip with 300 LEDs will pull about 3.3 amps on full brightness white. Other colors will pull less amperage. Amperage data is available for all LED products on the SPECS tab.
- RF Wireless ON/OFF only (5 amps). Select this option if you want a simple wireless ON/OFF remote control (Key Fob style) to turn the lights on and off (no dimming or brightness control). Max amperage is 5 amps. If your installation is greater than 5amps, be sure to add a relay. As a point of reference, a single 16' long LED strip with 300 LEDs will pull about 3.3amps on full brightness white. Other colors will pull less amperage. Amperage data is available for all LED products on the SPECS tab
- RF Wireless ON/OFF/DIMMING control (10 amps). Select this option if you want a wireless remote control (M7 style) to operate the led strip. The wireless remote has a hand held control that allows you to turn the lights on, off and dim. In addition, you can strobe and breath the lights too. Bluetooth control is included as well. This controller is rated at a maximum amperage of 10 amps. Because it offers dimming capabilities, you cannot use a relay so 10 amps is the hard limit.
All of the RGB controllers offered are our latest Generation 2 (aka GEN2 or G2) LED Controllers. They are combo controller meaning they offer both RF and Bluetooth control. You are read more about all of the features of these new GEN2 LED Controllers by click on the CONTROLLER Navigation Tab on this product page. The RGB Multi-Color Controller Options Are:
- RGB w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. 300 LED Capacity (6 amps). Compact KEY FOB RF wireless 4 button remote. Includes brake flash feature. Controller measures 2-1/2" x 1-3/4" x 7/8".
- RGBx w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. 900 RGB LED / 600 xx LED capacity (9 amps / 3 amps). G2 M7 RF 15 button wireless remote. This is our GEN2 RGBxx LED Controller that can be controlled using either the RF wireless remote OR your smart phone and our free bluetooth APP. This controller will power up to 5 diodes: RGB 3 diodes and up to 2 additional diodes (e.g. RGBA, RGBW or RGBWW) if so desired. If using with RGB, the additional 2 diode outputs are not used. Includes Quick Switch feature. Controller measures 4-1/4" x 2-1/4" x 7/8".
- RGBx w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. 1800 RGB LED / 1200 xx LED capacity (18 amps / 5 amps). G2 M7 RF wireless remote. This is our GEN2 RGBxx LED Controller that can be controlled using either the RF wireless remote OR your smart phone and our free bluetooth APP. This controller will power up to 5 diodes: RGB 3 diodes and up to 2 additional diodes (e.g. RGBA, RGBW or RGBWW) if so desired. If using with RGB, the additional 2 diode outputs are not used. Includes Quick Switch feature. Two external antennas, one of which is the extended magnetic whip antenna with 15' cord. The other is a screw on 'stubby' that attaches directly to the controller housing. Measures 5.5" long x 3.25" wide and 1.5" high. Note that the overall length to accommodate room for wires is 7.5".
- RGBx w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. DUAL ZONE. 1500 RGB LED / 1200 xx LED capacity (15 amps / 4 amps) per ZONE. G2 M7 RF Dual Zone wireless remote. This is our GEN2 RGBxx DUAL ZONE LED Controller that can be controlled using either the RF wireless remote OR your smart phone and our free bluetooth APP. This controller offers TWO distinct lighting zones. This controller will power up to 5 diodes on each Zone: RGB 3 diodes and up to 2 additional diodes (e.g. RGBA, RGBW or RGBWW) if so desired. If using with RGB, the additional 2 diode outputs are not used. Includes Quick Switch feature. Two external antennas, one of which is the extended magnetic whip antenna with 15' cord. The other is a screw on 'stubby' that attaches directly to the controller housing. Measures 5.5" long x 3.25" wide and 1.5" high. Note that the overall length to accommodate room for wires is 10".
If you're integrating the Slide Out Under-Glow light with an existing Boogey Lights® LED light system, select that option from the drop down list.
All of the RGBx controllers offered are our latest Generation 2 (aka GEN2 or G2) LED Controllers. They are combo controller meaning they offer both RF and Bluetooth control. You are read more about all of the features of these new GEN2 LED Controllers by click on the CONTROLLER Navigation Tab on this product page. The RGBx Multi-Color Controller Options Are:
- RGBx w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. 900 RGB LED / 600 xx LED capacity (9 amps / 3 amps). G2 M7 RF 15 button wireless remote. This is our GEN2 RGBxx LED Controller that can be controlled using either the RF wireless remote OR your smart phone and our free bluetooth APP. This controller will power up to 5 diodes: RGB 3 diodes and up to 2 additional diodes (e.g. RGBA, RGBW or RGBWW) if so desired. If using with RGB, the additional 2 diode outputs are not used. Includes Quick Switch feature. Controller measures 4-1/4" x 2-1/4" x 7/8".
- RGBx w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. 1800 RGB LED / 1200 xx LED capacity (18 amps / 5 amps). G2 M7 RF wireless remote. This is our GEN2 RGBxx LED Controller that can be controlled using either the RF wireless remote OR your smart phone and our free bluetooth APP. This controller will power up to 5 diodes: RGB 3 diodes and up to 2 additional diodes (e.g. RGBA, RGBW or RGBWW) if so desired. If using with RGB, the additional 2 diode outputs are not used. Includes Quick Switch feature. Two external antennas, one of which is the extended magnetic whip antenna with 15' cord. The other is a screw on 'stubby' that attaches directly to the controller housing. Measures 5.5" long x 3.25" wide and 1.5" high. Note that the overall length to accommodate room for wires is 7.5".
- RGBx w/RF + Bluetooth Combo. DUAL ZONE. 1500 RGB LED / 1200 xx LED capacity (15 amps / 4 amps) per ZONE. G2 M7 RF Dual Zone wireless remote. This is our GEN2 RGBxx DUAL ZONE LED Controller that can be controlled using either the RF wireless remote OR your smart phone and our free bluetooth APP. This controller offers TWO distinct lighting zones. This controller will power up to 5 diodes on each Zone: RGB 3 diodes and up to 2 additional diodes (e.g. RGBA, RGBW or RGBWW) if so desired. If using with RGB, the additional 2 diode outputs are not used. Includes Quick Switch feature. Two external antennas, one of which is the extended magnetic whip antenna with 15' cord. The other is a screw on 'stubby' that attaches directly to the controller housing. Measures 5.5" long x 3.25" wide and 1.5" high. Note that the overall length to accommodate room for wires is 10".
If you're integrating the Slide Out Under-Glow light with an existing Boogey Lights® LED light system, select that option from the drop down list.
Boogey Lights® light systems are native 12vdc devices. They're designed to work on motor vehicles sold in North America which are also 12vdc. We always recommend connecting directly to 12vdc when possible. Adding under-glow lighting to a slide out is the one situation where you may have to use a power coverter as there may not be 12vdc power available in the slide out itself. So if you don't have 12vdc power readily available, you can purchase a 120vac to 12vdc power converter for those situations. We offer 5amp and 10amp 120vac to 12vdc power converters. View Wiring Info
Installation Tips
Installing the Boogey Lights® LED slide out under-glow like kit is the most challenging of installations we do particularly if you're trying to make more than one of them work on the same LED controller. Typical installation time is about 90 minutes per slide but can take longer depending on the configuration. Scroll down to view an installation video of us installing under-glow lighting on two slide outs on the passenger's side of an RV. You'll get a better idea of how we did it.
You can download the INSTALLATION GUIDE for this product.
- WE STRONGLY SUGGEST BENCH TESTING YOUR LIGHTS AND CONTROLLER BEFORE MOUNTING! We cannot emphasize this enough. Probably 95% of all calls we receive from customers are about problems or issues that could have easily been avoided had the customer taken the extra 15 minutes to bench test their lighting setup before installation. Not only does bench testing give you an opportunity to understand the configuration, it also will flush out any problems or misunderstanding about the product and use before mounting.
- Make sure you know where your electrical connection will be. Most RVs (motorhome, travel trailer or fifth wheel) have an electrical access panel somewhere on the side of the RV where 12vdc power is available.
- Decide how you are going to connect the power lead coming from your LED light strip to the controller or power source.
- The only way to ensure the LED light strip stays stuck to the RV is to make sure you prepare the surface in accordance with the directions. Every LED light kit we sell includes 3M promoter (aka "primer"). It's absolutely critical the surface be prepared using this special 3M promoter and that you follow the directions provided with every light kit.
- If you need to cut the LED strip, make sure you do it before affixing to your RV. Our LED strips can be cut every 3 LEDs and are clearly marked.
- 3M Adhesion Primer. We provide small bottles of 3M Adhesion Promoter for our products. All you need is a shop rag, sponge or towel of some kind to apply the promoter to the surface. Once you paint on the promoter you have at least an hour to mount the light strip although we recommend proceeding immediately after painting the surface with the 3M Promoter.
- When in doubt, call our technical support team! We've done this thousands of times. We know what works.
The LED strip needs a smooth flat mounting surface of about 1/2" wide. This means the bottom of the slide out (or the inside of slide out face itself if you want the LED light shining in ward towards the side of the Rv ) has to have at least that much room to mount the LED strip such that when the slide out retracts into the side of the RV the LED strip isn't crushed. That last part is crucial. For most RVs this isn't an issue but there are some where it can be. So before doing anything, take a close look at the bottom of the slide outs you want to light up. You can usually tell pretty quickly if you'll have room to mount the LED strip. If your slide is on rollers (most are), you'll be able to observe the roller marks on the bottom of the slide out to see where they stop when the slide is fully seated inside the RV. Another way to tell is to place some light colored masking or electrical tape on the areas where you think you can mount the LED strip. Then, bring the slide out fully in - and, out again. Now, look at that tape. If there aren't any roller marks on that tape you should be good. If there are roller marks, you absolutely can not use that location for mounting your LED strip.

The LED strip power lead has to be routed inside the slide out some way so it can connect to the controller or power source inside the RV. To do that almost always requires drilling a hole in the bottom of the slide out OR in the side of the slide out such that the LED strip power lead can be fished through that hole (sealing the holes of course afterwards). On some RVs you may be able to fish that power lead wire inside the cable tray that often in under the slide out which is built in. The challenge with doing it this way is that those cable trays are usually in the middle or off-set a little to one side of the slide out whereas the power lead for the LED strip is at the very end of the LED strip at either end of the slide. So that power lead will have to loop back toward the center of the slide out where it can then enter the cable tray. Making that hair pin turn with the power lead and securely affixing the power lead to the slide out such that it won't fall out, move or be crushed by the slide when it retracts into the RV can be challenging. If we can make the cable tray work, that's usually our first choice however in most cases, we end up drilling through the side of the slide out a few inches up from the bottom of the slide and into the slide out that way (carefully sealing that hole with Lexel). We realize lots of folks cringe at the thought of drilling a hole in their slide out which is why we are mentioning this now. Truth is, it's not difficult. We do it almost every day. As long as you take the time to cafefully seal the hole (inside and out), you don't have to worry about water intrusion.

By definition a slide out moves in and out of the RV. Anything attached to that slide out will move too. The challenge becomes connecting that LED strip power lead affixed to the slide out to the LED controller or power source inside the RV. If you're OK with having a dedicated LED controller or switch for the slide out lighting, then the solution is to simply mount the LED controller on the slide itself so it too moves with the slide. All components of the slide lighting move together. The problem with this configuration is if you have more than one slide you're trying to light, you now need a controller (with remote) or switching mechanism for each slide out. Operationally it's a little cumbersome having different hand held remotes for each slide (and even worse if you have another remote for the RV's full perimeter under-glow system too). The ideal solution is to connect all of the slide out under-glow lights to one controller (single zone or dual zone) so you have one remote to control the slide out lighting. The challenge here is that you'll need to find a way to fish the power leads from each slide out to one central location in the RV and that location is stationary -- it doesn't move with the slides. It can be done. We've done it many times but it's something that takes time and planning. In many case you'll need to spend time investigating how your RV is built. For example, we'll often use existing wire and plumbing chase walls to run the power leads. Doing so allows you to fish the power lead wire down into the basement area of the RV and over to the battery bay where the controller is mounted. When doing this, the trick is making sure you leave enough slack in that power lead wire so it can move with the slide out. We typically will allocate an additional 2 hours of installation time when the customer wants more than one slide out on the same controller - or - wants to operate the slide out lighting on a dual zone controller that's shared with a full perimeter under-glow light system.
VIDEO: Installing Under-Glow on Multiple Slide Outs
In this video we show you an installation we did where we installed Boogey Lights on top and under-neath the passenger side slide-outs and connected them to the same controller. It's a detailed installation that takes time but we think the end result is worth it.