We get a lot of questions from folks wanting to know the cost of a Boogey Lights® LED light kit for their specific RV. Truth is, we don't know. There are no standards in the RV industry. Even the same make, model and year will have structural differences that impact pricing. Plus, there are a number of important personal preference product options which greatly impact the price as well as installation times. This is particularly true for under-glow and under-slide LED light kits. Simply put, until someone takes the time to inspect and carefully measure the RV as detailed in our instructions PLUS make the important color, feature and lighting zone choices the best we can do is estimate; which is what you see here in this chart. This is a great starting point for those who are not sure how much they want to spend. At that point we can assist you with putting together a light kit to fit literally any RV -- it doesn't have to be one of our pre-configured kits either.

The low end of this price scale applies to single color, single zone LED light kits without a controller or dimmer. Usually just a simple on/off. The higher end of this price scale applies to multi-color RGB systems that involve an LED controller. The most expensive are those systems which require a dual zone LED controller, wheel well lighting and RGBA or RGBW LEDs. These systems require a relay (or two) and additional switching mechanisms. Of course the larger the RV foot print, the more it costs as well.
For under-glow, awning and under-slide lighting, the installation times assume at least 2 people doing the install. The remaining kits assume one person. There's an additional price component we can't estimate and that is shop supplies. For some installations (particularly under-glow), we often have to build out a mounting surface; we can't simply attach the LED strips directly to the RV's bottom. Those shop supplies add to the cost both in terms of the supplies but also in installation time.