When you book an appointment for Boogey Lights installation services at our facility in Florence, KY we may require a deposit at the time the appointment is booked. The deposit will be applied to our installation services when rendered. If the installation appointment is cancelled with at least 72 hours advance notice (and not rescheduled for a later date), the deposit will be refunded and returned in full. If the appointment isn't kept (e.g. 'no show'), the scheduling deposit is forfeited entirely. If the appointment is cancelled before the day of the appointment but with less than 72 hours notice, the deposit will be converted to a 'store credit' that can be used for future Boogey Lights purchases. In situations where the appointment cancellation couldn't have been avoided due to circumstances outside the customer's control, we are happy to refund the deposit in full. These situations are handled on a case by case basis.