M-F: 9-6, SAT: 10-3 Eastern
(Closed Sunday and Holidays)
800.847.1359 (voice)
859.955.8155 (text only / USA & CN)
859.371.4500 or 859.444.4068 (voice)
888.616.1517 (fax)
9000 Empire Connector Dr Ste B
Florence KY 41042
Have a warrranty issue?
To send us photos, videos or large files over 2MB CLICK HERE | SEND-A-FILE .
Helpful Links
Install Appt?
- Directions, What to Expect
- Places to visit.
- Places to eat.
- Campgrounds in the area.
- Hotels in the area.
- Truck Stops in the area.
Note: If you have an urgent issue and it's after-hours, please send us an EMAIL or TEXT US (+1.859.955.8155). We often check email/text messages evenings, weekends and on holidays. Be sure to include as much detail as you can about the issue you're having. While we can't promise we can always respond quickly after-hours, we will certainly do what we can to assist.
PS: CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER for our response. Lots of free email platforms these days will send outside domain email addresses to bulk or spam folders.