Airstream Trailer Under-Glow & Rock Guard LED Light Kit
Make your Airstream travel trailer stand out! Our impressively bright low-profile surface mounted hi-intensity LED light strips work well for all sorts of RVs including Airstream travel trailers. With more super-bright LEDs per inch than any other surface mounted LED strip on the market, our LED strips are ideal for mobile lighting applications. Based on our popular under-glow light kit for motor homes and fifth wheel trailers, this LED light kit is designed to light the area under your Airstream trailer with a wide variety of colors you control. The optional Rock Guard add-on light kit will light the area under the Airstream's unique rock-guard mounted on the front of the Airstream which can be both functional (e.g. white lighting) and decorative.
The kit is available in three multi-color (RGB, RGBA, RGBW) and seven different single color configurations. Details on all these color options are below.
The multi-color kits include our GEN2 Bluetooth + RF COMBO wireless Heavy Duty LED controllers which are offered in both Single Zone or Dual Zone configurations. In both cases, the LED controller can be operated using the included wireless RF hand held remote or your Bluetooth phone using our free APP. Details about these controller options are below.
This LED light kit is available in configurations to fit the the 27' rear door model, the 26', the 30' or 33' with a forward door. We can however customize this kit to fit shorter and longer travel trailer formats. Just ask! Be sure to click on the INSTALL navigation tab on this product page to see detailed installation information including kit configuration diagrams.
This light kit is based on our popular high performance LOW PROFILE LED light strips. Details about these LED strips can be found by clicking on the button below or by clicking on the SPECS navigation tab appearing on this product page. If you want to know what makes Boogey Lights® LED lighting products different than any other lighting system out there, check out this: WHY BOOGEY LIGHTS .
This light kit is offered in seven single color options and in three multi-color configurations: RGB, RGBW (RGB + warm white) and RGBA (RGB + amber). For the single color options the LED controller wireless RF remote will give you the ability to turn the LEDs on/off as well as dim, flash, strobe and breath (and change the speed at which those features work). With the bluetooth APP, you can perform these same functions as well as save presets. For the multi-color options, you have the same capabilities however the feature set is significantly expanded since you also have the ability to change/adjust/tweak the colors you want to display. With the included RF wireless remote you can change between 7 pre-set colors (Red, Green, Blue, White, Light Blue, Lime Green/Yellow, Hot Pink/Purple) and functions of on/off, blending, strobing, breathing, flashing, fading and dimming. You can also use your Bluetooth enabled smart phone to create a custom look. The Bluetooth APP allows you to program the RGB diodes of any of our RGB, RGBW and RGBA strips with over 16 million different color combinations plus three pre-sets. Also, the Bluetooth APP offers 2 and 3 color rotation programming along with two timer features. Click the BLUETOOTH APP navigation tab on this product page for significantly more information on both the Bluetooth capabilities and APP functionality (including a video showing how the Bluetooth APP works)
RGBW: On the RGBW led strip, in addition to RGB, you get one extra diode which is Warm White. That warm white diode has a Kelvin temperature of 2400 which means it has a yellowish look giving it a warmer, softer, candle like look (see photo below). That fourth diode on the RGBW led strip can be wired directly to our GEN2 LED Controller which supports RGBx LEDs. As an option, you could also wire that fourth diode to a completely separate on/off switch. Your choice. You could also use the Quick-Switch feature with this fourth diode too.
RGBA: On the RGBA led strip, in addition to RGB, you get one extra diode which is AMBER. That fourth diode on the RGBA led strip can be wired directly to our GEN2 LED Controller which supports RGBx LEDs. As an option, you could also wire that fourth diode to a completely separate on/off switch. Your choice. You could also use the Quick-Switch feature with this fourth diode too.
This kit offers both SINGLE ZONE and DUAL ZONE controller options. As the names suggest, a Single Zone controller has just one single lighting zone. All LEDs wired to the controller are on one zone. Whatever color or feature set you apply will be what you get on all leds. Pretty simple. With our Dual Zone controller, you can set up and operate two distinct lighting zones which can be operated and controlled individually or together. Many customers will install their full-perimeter under-glow system such that ZONE 1 controls the drivers side under-glow lights and ZONE 2 controls the front, rear and passenger's side under-glow lights. Why? If you find yourself camping in crowded campgrounds there may be situations where you want to turn off the driver's side under-glow lights (which faces the campers next to you) but leave the front, rear and passenger's side under-glow lights on. Of course there are other reasons too. Some customers will use ZONE 1 for the entire under-glow system and ZONE 2 for their awning (or slide out) lighting. Previously this type of configuration would require two different controllers. The point is that with the Duty Dual Zone LED Controller you have more flexibility as to how you want to control your Boogey Lights. On a Dual Zone controller each lighting zone is capable of supporting up to 1500 LEDs for a total of 3000 LEDs. It will work with your Android® or iOS® Smartphone. It will also work with the included M7 Style RF wireless remote. Details on features are below.
Bluetooth + RF Combo Wireless Control
The LED Controllers offered in this kit are our GEN2 Single Zone and Dual Zone Heavy Duty Bluetooth COMBO LED Controllers. COMBO means they can be operated using either the included M7 RF wireless hand held remote OR your Bluetooth enable smartphone (and our free APP). Both will work. The RGB version is capable of displaying 16 million different color combinations. The GEN2 RGBx version can display even more color combinations depending on the type of LED strips connected to them. In addition, lighting effects on the Bluetooth controller are significantly more controllable in terms of speed and intensity. Each color and lighting effect is controlled by "sliders" or a color square on your smartphone screen so you can adjust the speed and intensity to get the lighting the way you want it.
Key Features & Capabilities
- Our GEN2 LED Controllers are based on the Bluetooth 5 chip set family which provide fast response times and the best possible RF/Bluetooth transmission distance.
- The SUPER and HEAVY DUTY GEN2 Controller can support Single Color, RGB, RGBx and RGBxx LED strips with both RF and Bluetooth control.
- The HEAVY DUTY controller versions include two antennas: a screw-on 2" stubby antenna and an extended magnetic mount antenna with 15' of wire for optimal reception on any vehicle.
- Use the included RF wireless remote to quickly turn on/off/dim your Boogey Lights. You can also select up to 7 different preset colors using the RF remote as well as access 7 different lighting features.
- Use your smartphone to operate your Boogey Lights®: On, Off, Dimming, Color Selection, Brightness, Speed, Color Programming, Timers
- Adjust the color sliders or color square to select the color you want.
- Access additional lighting features (e.g. strobing, flashing, breathing, morphing) modes using the 7 Function Keys.
- Save your favorite lighting configuration using Pre-Sets
- Countdown Timer and a 24 hour On/Off Timer function
- Quick-Switch feature for use with RGBx LED strips.
- Password protection to stop others from connecting to your LED controller.
- Programmable Color Rotation mode offers the ability to program the controller to display two or three colors of your choice and then rotate those colors in sequence.
- Assign a 'nick name' to your controller so you can easily find it when scanning.
- Set the APP to auto-connect to your LED controller every time you launch the APP on your phone
- DOWNLOAD the GEN2 LED Controller Operating Manual & Wiring Diagrams
- DOWNLOAD the GEN2 Bluetooth Operating Manual
- DOWNLOAD the GEN2 M7 RF Wireless Remote Operating Information
- VIEW the GEN2 LED Controller Series Product Page
- VIEW the GEN2 BLUETOOTH APP Information Page
The optional Rock Guard add-on light kit will light the area under the Airstream's unique rock-guard mounted on the front of the Airstream which can be both functional (e.g. white lighting) and decorative. It's a popular option.
While the optional Rock Guard Add-On light kit is typically paired with the Under-Glow light kit, it doesn't have to be that way. You'll notice we offer the option to purchase just the Rock Guard light kit by itself. Be aware however that if you're purchasing just the ROCK-GUARD light kit we assume you already have the UNDER-GLOW light kit with controller or other switching mechanism. If you're purchasing just the Rock-Guard light kit for use by itself, you're going to need an LED CONTROLLER or SWITCHING mechanism along with some additional power lead to connect the Rock Guard LEDs to the controller or switching mechanism. These items are not included with the Rock-Guard only kit. You can purchase an LED CONTROLLER as well as POWER LEAD wire (25' is all you need) on our site. The total number of LEDs in the ROCK GUARD light kit is about 425 so make sure you purchase a switch or controller capable of supporting as much as 6 amps. For RGB, RGBW or RGBA, we recommend our SUPER model which will power up to 900 RGB LEDs. Single color requires 2 conductor power lead wire. RGB requires 4 conductor power lead wire. RGBW/RGBA requires 5 conductor power lead wire. You can also find power lead wire locally at most big box stores. Commonly used for alarm wire. Just make sure it's no smaller than 22 awg (18-22 will work) and is stranded cable (do not use solid core wire).
No two installation scenarios are the same. Not everyone shares the same installation quality goals. Some folks are OK with twisting wires together, others want to solder them. Some folks are OK with running wires where they may be seen or unprotected to save money/time, others want a tidy, clean install without any wires showing. Some folks are OK with mounting their LED strips to whatever surface they can find, others want to take the time necessary to build out appropriate mounting surfaces to provide the best lighting effect on their vehicle. The point is it's not possible to provide all the materials necessary for all installation scenarios and quality goals. Our light kits provide the essential components needed for a high-quality, functioning lighting system. Installation of our light kit to your specific vehicle may however require additional items to make it look and fit the way you want. This is particularly the case with electrical wiring and mounting of LED strips. Before proceeding with your installation we suggest you consider THESE OTHER ITEMS.
The short answer is probably not. All Boogey Lights® RGB LED strips are COMMON CATHODE LEDS. They share a common ground and will only work with positively switched controllers. Most LED strips on the market today are COMMON ANODE because the controller technology used to power them is less expensive to manufacture. However they're not nearly as bright and are an overall inferior design when compared with COMMON CATHODE LEDs. For more information, click the button below.
Unlike most every other light kit out there, these light kits are ACCENT LIGHT KITS. When mounted properly, you'll never see the LED lights themselves. You'll only see the glow from the LEDs. If you're interested in learning more about WHY Boogey Lights are different than any other LED lighting system on the market, click here: WHY BOOGEY LIGHTS . We do a deep dive into the ten differences between Boogey Lights® and all the others.
Color temperature is a method of describing the color characteristics - warmth or coolness - of a white light source. Commonly referred to as the Correlated Color Temperature (CCT), it's a gauge of how yellow or blue a white light source appears to the human eye. The spectrum of color temperature is assigned numerical values, measured in degrees of Kelvin (K), on a scale of 1,000 to 10,000. Most Kelvin temperatures for modern lighting applications however fall somewhere on a scale of 2000K to 6500k. The color temperature of a light source lets us know what the look and feel of the light produced will be.
On the low end of the scale, from 2000K to 3000K, the light produced is often referred to as a "warm white", "soft white" or sometimes called a "candle white". It ranges from orange-ish to yellow-ish white in appearance. This kind of light is inviting, comfortable and relaxing.
In the middle of the scale, from 3100K to 4500K, the light produced is often referred to as a "neutral white" or "natural white". Light sources within this range will emit a more neutral white light and may even have a slightly blue tint. This kind of light is bright, vibrant and clean appearing.
At the top end of the scale, from 4600K and above, the light produced is referred to "cool white", "bright white", "pure white" or "day white". Light sources in this range will have a blue-ish white tint to them. The higher the number, the more blueish it will appear. This kind of light will appear crisp, invigorating and energetic. It's most commonly used for workspace lighting.
Installation of this led light kit takes 8 to 10 hours depending on whether or not you're installing the Rock-Guard light kit and/or LED Controller. You can download the Installation Manual directly from our website to get an idea of what's involved.
IMPORTANT. You must have an understanding of 12vdc power. An essential skill with installation of any Boogey Lights LED products is knowing how to correctly wire the product to a 12vdc circuit. This includes understanding the importance of having a properly sized fuse at the power source, polarity, how to properly seal an electrical connection, using properly sized wire gauge for the load, measuring voltage and measuring the additional amperage draw you're adding. If you are uncertain or unfamiliar with any of these concepts, we urge you to ask someone who has the knowledge to assist you. Electricity is unforgiving.
For the trailer under-glow portion there are nine different mounting locations in this kit and all of the power leads need to be carefully run up to the front of the trailer where we mount our LED controller in the battery box. In some cases it might be necessary to add some aluminum OR plastic flat bar if the bottom of your trailer doesn't have a suitable smooth, flat mounting surface. That said, our experience with Airstream trailers is that you won't need to add aluminum flat bar as long as the bottom of your trailer is clean, smooth and flat. If you're adding the rock-guard lights, there are eight additional LED strips (four per rock guard) that need to be mounted under each rock-guard panel (driver's and passenger's side). For multi-color RGB configurations, the LED strips mounted under the trailer are typically wired to ZONE 1 on the LED controller. The rock-guard area LED strips are typically wired to ZONE 2 on the LED Controller. This of course assumes you're installing our DUAL ZONE LED Controller. If not, all of the LEDs will need to be wired to a single zone (or, controlled by a hard wired switch of some kind).
- 2 - 42 LED (27.75") strips w/10' power leads
- 1 - 30 LED (20") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 -132 LED (88") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 60 LED (40") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 54 LED (36") strip w/15' power lead
- 2 - 99 LED (65") strips w/15' power lead
- 1 - 90 LED (60") strip w/15' power lead

- 2 - 42 LED (27.75") strips w/10' power leads
- 1 - 33 LED (21.75") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 -153 LED (100.5") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 150 LED (98.5") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 36 LED (23.75") strip w/15' power lead
- 1 - 33 LED (21.75") strip w/15' power lead
- 1 - 96 LED (63") strip w/15' power lead
- 1 - 108 LED (71") strip w/15' power lead

- 2 - 42 LED (27.75") strips w/10' power leads
- 1 - 33 LED (21.75") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 68 LED (40") strip w/15' power lead
- 1 - 96 LED (63") strip w/10' power leads
- 1 - 198 LED (130") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 96 LED (63") strip w/15' power lead
- 2 - 114 LED (75") strip w/15' power lead

- 2 - 42 LED (27.75") strips w/10' power leads
- 1 - 33 LED (21.75") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 68 LED (40") strip w/15' power lead
- 1 - 96 LED (63") strip w/10' power leads
- 1 - 213 LED (140") strip w/10' power lead
- 1 - 111 LED (73") strip w/15' power lead
- 2 - 129 LED (85") strip w/15' power lead

ROCK-GUARD (optional):
- 2 - 60 LED (39.5") strip w/10' power lead
- 4 - 48 LED (31.75") strip w/10' power lead
- 2 - 45 LED (29.75") strips w/10' power lead

The LED controller (if ordered) is mounted inside the battery box or similar location that is protected from the elements.
Boogey Lights® Low-Profile & Heavy Duty Surface Mounted LED Strips
General Information
- All Boogey Lights® Flexible LED products are native 12vdc. Optional 120vac to 12vdc power converters are available HOWEVER when possible, we strongly suggest using 12vdc directly if you can. This is especially true when mounting these LED strips on a motor vehicle that has 12vdc power. There is rarely a good reason to use a 120vac power converter on a vehicle that has ample 12vdc power available (e.g. RV, camper, motorhome.)
- The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for many (but not all) of our LOW PROFILE LED strips can be ordered in your choice of black or white PCB. See product details for available PCB color offerings.
- Unless stated otherwise in the product description or options, the power lead is hard wired, soldered and sealed at one end. No connectors - ever - as connectors are the most common single point of failure in other LED brands. We use 4-conductor power lead (red, green, blue and black) for RGB multi-color, 2-conductor power lead (black and red) for single color, 5 conductor power lead (red, green, blue, black and white) for RGBW / RGBA and 6-conductor power lead (red, green, blue, black, white, grey) for RGBWW unless otherwise indicated in the product configuration. For power lead lengths under 20' the LED strip will use 22awg cable. For longer lengths, it will use 20awg cable.
- Boogey Lights® LED strips attach to the mounting surface with 3M® double-sided VHB tape already applied to the back of each strip. 3M Adhesion Primer MUST be used when mounting these strips if you want them to stay stuck. Note: 3M adhesion primer is not included unless otherwise stated but it is an essential component of the installation process. Note that for maximum holding power the application temperature needs to be ABOVE 40(f) degrees. Ideal application temperature range is 60(f)+ degrees. More information about using 3M TAPE & 3M ADHESION PRIMER is here.
- Boogey Lights® RGB, RGBW, RGBA and RGBWW LEDs are COMMON CATHODE LEDs. They share a common ground and will only work with positively switched LED controllers. Most third party led controllers are negatively switched controllers and WILL NOT work with Boogey Lights RGB, RGBW, RGBA or RGBWW LEDs. If you purchase any version of a Boogey Lights® RGB LED strip, you need a positively switched LED controller to control/operate that strip. It will not work without one. Boogey Lights® offers a wide range of LED CONTROLLERS.
- All Boogey Lights® Single Color LED strips are dimmable using Boogey Lights LED controllers/switches. While they will likely work with other manufacturer's dimmable switches, we cannot guarantee it.
- Boogey Lights® LED strips are completely sealed against the elements. They are heat resistant, waterproof and easily cleaned for maintenance free operation. LED strips are NOT intended for use in salt-water applications or to be submersed in water for extended periods of time. These are not marine grade LED lights which fall into another classification.
- RGB LEDs will display 7 pre-set colors using a Boogey Lights® LED Controller. Those colors are: Red, Green, Blue, White, Light Blue, Lime Green/Yellow and Magenta (Hot Purple). If you use a Boogey Lights® Bluetooth enabled LED Controller with our RGB LEDs, there are total possible combination of 16 million color combinations. The RGB component of the RGBW, RGBA and RGBWW LED strips will also display these same colors.
- Single Color LEDs will always be brighter than Multi-Color LEDs. So if you're looking for the absolute brightest LED, Single Color is what you want. Of course, you only get one color. All of our RGB and Single Color LEDs use a 5050 tri-chip LED. Each 5050 LED has three LED diodes. In a RGB LED those three diodes are red, green and blue. When combined with an LED controller the mixing of those three colors will produce up to 16 million different color combinations. For example, using an RGB LED chip mixing equal parts red + green + blue will produce WHITE (6000 Kelvin temp.) In a single color tri-chip LED there are also three LED diodes however all three of those LEDs are the same color. Because there are three diodes of all the same color, the light will be brigther. Of course you only get one color with a Single Color LED so there are trade offs. Important to note that 5050 LED chips are the brightest available. So even an RGB LED Chip will produce a very bright light. In fact, most people find they need to dim them. We rarely have a customer tell us the lights are not bright enough. And in the cases where they do, it's because they don't have sufficient power to support the amperage load (and the lights dim).
- Operating temperature range is from -20 (f) to 165 (f). At the higher end of this temperature scale, it's important the LED strip not be mounted to or touch the hot surface directly. We routinely mount these LED strips within inches of motorcycle engines, exhaust manifolds, turbos and exhaust stacks without issue.
- While LUMENS are not an accurate measurement of LED strip lighting brightness (especially multi-color), our WHITE LED Low Profile LED strips on full power brightness provide at least 450 lumens per foot at 12.5vdc power input. If your power source is hotter (e.g. 13vdc - 13.5vdc), that lumens number jumps to ~ 540 lumens per foot. The HEAVY DUTY LED strips will be a little less due to the additional epoxy covering that protects the LED Diodes. If you're concerned about brightness, rest assured you won't find a brighter LED strip designed for use on motor vehicles. We have yet to have a customer tell us the LEDs aren't bright enough. In fact, most have to dim them. When in doubt, we urge customers to dry mount the LED strip and power them up to see how bright they are. If they're not bright enough for your lighting application, return them for a refund in accordance with our refund policy.
Boogey Lights® LOW-PROFILE flexible surface mounted LED strips have between 3 and 300, hi-intensity 5050 super bright tri-chip LEDs depending upon how ordered. IP65 rated. There are 60 LEDs per meter (~ 18.29 LEDs per foot). Scroll down to see a conversion chart showing the # of LEDs to Length (in inches). See product configuration for available configuration options. RGBW, RGBA and RGBWW low-profile strips use a combination of 5050 chips for RGB and 2835 chips for the W, A and WW diodes. On the RGB LED strip, the color 'white' created by mixing equal parts Red + Green + Blue is a COOL WHITE with a 6000 Kelvin temperature. The color 'white' created by lighting the fourth diode on the RGBW strip is a WARM WHITE with a 2400 Kelvin temperature. The RGBWW led strips offer both a Warm White led chip (2400K) and a Natural White led chip (4500k). See photos below of these shades of white each of these led strips creates.
RGB, Single Color | 10mm (~3/8") | 4mm (~3/16") | 2" to 16' (can be cut every 3 LEDs) |
RGBW, RGBA, RGBWW, REDA, REDW, Dual Color | 12mm (~1/2") | 4mm (~3/16") | 2" to 16' (can be cut every 3 LEDs) |
Boogey Lights® low profile LED strips are thin; made for easy-to-conceal placement which make them ideal for accent lighting applications. They are IP65 rated. The RGB and Single color low profile LED strip width is a little longer than 3/8" (10mm). RGBW, RGBA and RGBWW width is about 1/2" (12mm). Height is 3/16" (4mm). Lengths of the low profile LED strips vary based on the number of LEDs ordered. See product configuration. In all cases, the maximum length of a low profile LED strip is 16'. If you need to go longer you can add multiple strips. Important to note that the length listed is the actual LED strip that touches the mounting surface. There is an additional 1/2" or so of space required to make room for the power-lead that attaches to the LED strip. Make sure your measurements allow for this additional space.
The LOW PROFILE LED STRIP can be cut every 3 LEDs. See details on how to cut our LOW PROFILE LED strips here.
NOTE: Potential DOT issues notwithstanding, our Low Profile LED light strips should not be mounted on motor vehicles running at highway speeds facing foward unless they are mounted inside of an enclosure or have some other protective shield in front of them. The high wind speeds constantly beating against the strips coupled with dirt, rain, snow, etc will eventually pierce the epoxy coating and allow water to intrude inside the LED strip causing the strip to fail prematurely. Low Profile strips mounted and/or used this way are not covered under warranty.
When choosing a mounting location, make sure the LOW PROFILE LED strip is mounted in a location where it is protected. These LOW PROFILE LED strips will not withstand a direct hit from a rock, chain, road debris or any other blunt object. Doing so will damage the LED strip beyond repair. One option to protect them is to mount the LOW PROFILE LED strip to this ALUMINUM CHANNEL with optional PLASTIC DIFFUSER. Not only does it protect the LED strip from damage, it provides for a nice professional look especially in situations where the LED strip is mounted in a location that is in plain view.

Boogey Lights® HEAVY DUTY LED strip configuration of these surface mounted LEDs are only available in these five fixed lengths: 15 LEDs (~12" long), 30 LEDs (~ 22" long), 45 LEDs (~ 32" long), 60 LEDs (~ 42" long) and 75 LEDs (~ 52" long). The Heavy Duty LED strips cannot be made in longer sizes or custom lengths. IP67 rated. They include a 36" 22awg power lead permanently attached to one end.
RGB, Single Color | 15mm (~5/8") | 8mm (~3/8") | 12", 22", 32", 42", 52" (cannot be cut or built longer) |
RGBW, RGBA, REDA, REDW, Dual Color | 17mm (~3/4") | 8mm (~3/8") | 12", 22", 32", 42", 52" (cannot be cut or built longer) |
Boogey Lights® HEAVY DUTY LEDS strips attach to the mounting surface with 3M® double-sided VHB tape already applied to the back of each strip. Note too they include a screw hole on each end (see photos below). That plastic end cap where the screw hole is can be cut back if needed to fit in tight spots. You'll lose the screw hole of course but it will pick up 1" to 1.5" in overall length. Important to note that 3M Adhesion Primer MUST be used when mounting these strips if you want them to stay stuck. These Heavy Duty LED strips are IP67 rated and use the same LEDs and PCB as our low-profile LEDs however they're encased in rubber for more protection. This makes them wider and taller than our low profile strips. RGB and Single color Heavy Duty LED strip width is 15mm (~5/8") wide and 8mm (~3/8") tall. The RGBA (RGB + Amber) Heavy Duty LED strip width is 17mm (~3/4") wide and 8mm (~3/8") tall. The length varies based on the configuration selected and the number of LEDs. The number of LEDs currently offered in our Heavy Duty strips are: 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75. Scroll down to see a conversion chart showing the # LEDS to length for these strips.

Appropriately sizing the components in your lighting system is critical. Making sure your lighting system doesn't exceed the amperage ratings of each individual component is essential. Scroll down for our amperage data chart that details amperage draw per led for both our low profile and heavy duty led light series. We list amperage draws on two input voltages: 12.5vdc and 13.5vdc. If you're wiring your lights to a vehicle that has a charging mechanism (e.g. alternator), that input voltage will likely increase particularly as RPMs increase. It's not unusual for an alternator to charge the battery at a rate of 14 vdc depending upon the vehicle. Increasing the input voltage to the LED Controller/LEDs will also increase the amperage draw of those LEDs. We always suggest measuring actual amperage drawn for your particular installation to make sure it's fused and wired appropriately. If you are not familiar with DC electricity and how to measure both voltage and amperage draw, we urge you to seek the assistance of someone who does. Improperly sized circuits can cause fires and/or damage other electrical systems in your vehicle.


The Dual Color LED configuration uses our RGBA LED strip but instead of pairing that LED strip with an RGB LED controller, we hard wire a combination of one, two or all three of the RGB diodes (red, green or blue) along with the AMBER diode to one three position switch (on-off-on) or two on/off switches. One switch operates the primary color diode(s). The other switch operates the amber diode. There are a total of seven Dual Color configuration options: RED+AMBER, GREEN+AMBER, BLUE+AMBER, MAGENTA+AMBER, YELLOW+AMBER, CYAN+AMBER, WHITE+AMBER. With a Dual Color configuration you don't need an LED Controller. Instead, you only need two switches (and relays); one to control each color. Here's a link to the wiring diagram for DUAL COLOR leds. You can also find it on many of our product pages.
Customers will often ask us to describe what a particular LED color looks like. Truth is, it's not possible to accurately describe what a specific LED color looks like. Why? Because there are a number of factors that impact how a particular LED color appears to the human eye. For starters, it's important to understand that Boogey Lights® are accent lights. With only a few exceptions, our lighting systems are designed to be hidden from view. When installed properly, you'll never see the LED diodes/lighting fixtures themselves. You'll only see the glow reflecting off the surrounding surfaces coming from the LEDs. That means the color of the surface the LEDs are mounted to coupled with the color of the surfaces surrounding the LEDs will directly impact how the human eye perceives the color being reflected. A white surface for example will tend to brighten the color whereas a darker surface will tend to darken the color. Real word scenario: If the LEDs are shining downward on black pavement, the light reflecting off that black pavement will appear different than if on concrete which is a lighter material So for example, the LED color green will tend to look more like a "light green" when shining off of lighter color surfaces and more like a "dark green" when shining off of darker color surfaces. Same LEDs, same diodes but the human eye perceives the color reflected differently based on the color of the surrounding reflective surfaces.
When in doubt, dry mount. If you are looking for a specific color or are very picky about the LED color look you're trying to achieve, we strongly suggest dry mounting the LED strip in the location you're looking to light up and then powering up that strip temporarily with a 12vdc power source. That way you can see how the glow looks for your specific lighting product before committing to a specific LED color. It's really the only way to know how the light will appear.
A Word of Caution. The below photos are of our LEDs when viewed directly. With a rare exception, these LEDs will never be used in this manner. They're almost always mounted in such a way that you'll only see the glow from the LEDs reflecting off another surface. Keep this in mind when viewing the below photos.
The Problem with Photographing LEDs
It's not possible to capture LED color hues and brightness levels with a digital camera and then accurately reproduce those colors in a photograph the way the human eye sees and the brain interprets those same colors in person. To show a more accurate color hue, the brightness levels of the photos below have been severally restricted. In person, the light coming from these LED strips will appear significantly brighter to the point at which you should not look at them directly.

Our single color Magenta (Hot-Purple) LEDs are created using RGB LED strips. The BLUE and RED power leads of the RGB LED strips need to be wired together. The GREEN power lead is not used and should be capped. Lighting just the red + blue diodes in the RGB strip creates the magent/hot-purple color.
The short answer is probably not. More importantly, we do not provide technical support on installations that use other manufacturer's components with Boogey Lights® products. All Boogey Lights® RGB (and RGBx, RGBxx) LED strips are COMMON CATHODE strips with the controller technology being POSITIVELY SWITCHED. This means that Boogey Lights® LED strips share a common ground. The controller switches on/off the positive (hot) side of the circuit similar to how every motorized vehicle in North America is wired. Just like your car, Boogey Lights® LED strips are only energized with power when they are in use. Without getting into the electrical weeds the advantage of this design is that it is more robust, more efficient, will last longer and provides a brighter glow. It also means there is less chance of the LED strip or controller shorting out, making it much safer. Of course it costs more to build a controller that switches all three, four or five of the positive channels of the circuit instead of the single negative channel. That's why most competitors use negatively switched controllers with common anode LED strips.
So if you're looking to pair Boogey Lights® LEDs with another manufacturer's controller (or vise versa), be sure you check with that manufacturer's specifications. It most situations it's unlikely they'll work with Boogey Lights®. Even if they do, be aware you're on your own in terms of technical support. Important to note too that attempting to use them with the wrong technology voids the warranty. Simply put, Boogey Lights® LEDs and Controllers are specifically built and designed to work with Boogey Lights® products.
RGBWW LEDs are designed to give the user the best of both RGB multi-color and a spectrum of white with the WW diodes on one single LED light strip. While the LED controller will allow you to turn on both the RGB and WW diodes together, the strip is not designed for both RGB and WW to be used together for prolonged use. When operating your RGBWW LEDs, we do not suggest turning both the RGB and WW leds on at the same time particularly on the brightest white setting possible. The reason is that with all 5 diodes lit on the brightest setting, the heat generated from the LED chips will burn the epoxy poly-urethane coating on the strip from the inside out giving the coating a yellow appearance which will in turn, give the LED colors a permanent yellowish tint which cannot be reversed.
You cannot create the colors ORANGE, AMBER or GOLD using RGB LEDs. If you want to know more about why, check out this page here on understanding the visible light spectrum and led technology. So what's the solution? To get something that looks more like orange (gold/amber) to the human eye using just RGB LEDs you need to mix equal amounts of RED + GREEN (actually just a bit less green since the human eye is more sensitive to green wavelengths). This will give you the color YELLOW. Then, increase the intensity of the RED just a little (or, pull back the green). This will essentially add a little red to the yellow to effectively mix a color that has an orange tint. It's not perfect but it's as close as you can get to the color orange using RGB led lights.
If you really want orange, a better option is to use our RGBA LED strip. By mixing the Amber chip with the Red diode, you'll get a rich orange color.
The AMBER and RED single color LED strips are DOT COMPLIANT. They conform to applicable provisions of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108 requirements.
With only a few exceptions, we do not offer PURPLE LEDS for most of our light kits. The reason is that Purple LEDs are really ultra-violet LEDs. As such, they're not very bright and quite disappointing in terms of brightness. For those products where we do offer true PURPLE LEDs you'll see we warn customers about this issue. A good alternative to UV/Purple is MAGENTA (some call it a 'hot purple') which looks similar but has a brighter, pinkish tint. Magenta is available by mixing 100% RED + 100% BLUE which is what our single color Magenta is. You can also mix magenta using our RGB LEDs and an LED controller.
Installing accent lighting on your vehicle is not illegal. It's just like having a mobile phone with you while driving. Where and how you use either of these devices while driving may be restricted by law. We remind customers to check their local laws when it comes to driving or riding with accent lighting turned on. Keep in mind too that the laws for motorcycles, cars and trucks (or larger vehicles) are often different. More details here.
Here are some photos of how Boogey Lights LED strips are packaged.

We manufacture primarily two types of LED strips for use on motor vehicles: Low Profile Surface Mounted LED strips and Heavy Duty LED strips. An overview of the warranty for each type of strip is below. Scroll down and expand the text groups to read more.
Boogey Lights® Low Profile Surface Mounted LED light strips are used in a number of Boogey Lights products for a variety of vehicle applications. Where and how these light strips are installed make all the difference in their durability and thus, our warranty. For this reason the duration of the Boogey Lights Low Profile LED Light Strips original owner warranty varies based on the vehicle application, use and installation types.
- Recreational Applications: RVs, Motorcycles, Golf Carts: 3 years
- Cars/Pickup Trucks/Off-Road: 1 year
- Marine / Fresh Water: 3 years
- Marine / Salt Water: 90 days
- Food/Cargo Truck/Trailer, Other Light Duty Commercial Use / Installation by Boogey Lights technicians in Florence, KY: 3 years
- Food/Cargo Truck/Trailer, Other Light Duty Commercial Use / All other installation types: 1 year
- Heavy Duty Truck and/or Trailer Commercial Use / Installation by Boogey Lights technicians in Florence, KY: 1 year
- Heavy Duty Truck and/or Trailer Commercial Use / All other installation types: 90 days
Econoline: All Boogey Lights® Econoline products have a 1 year warranty. This includes LED strips and Controllers.
Note on Commercial Applications: These low-profile surface mounted LED strips are not built to withstand significant flexing or lateral movement of the surface the strip is mounted to. Some examples include on semi-truck trailers as well as tow trucks where there is significant movement, bending or flexing of the surface to which the strip is mounted. Also, the strip can not mounted in such a way as they span multiple mounting surfaces. Mounting them this way will virtually guarantee the strip will fail sooner rather than later. These strips must be mounted to one single continuous smooth, clean, flat, rigid surface and in an area that is protected from corrosive chemicals. Commercial vehicles that frequently travel roads treated with corrosive chemicals often used for melting snow and ice can impact the durability of these LED strips if the strips are mounted in an area that is exposed to these chemicals. Hi-Intensity Strips that fail in these operating environments ARE NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY. For these types of operating environments we strongly recommend (and warranty) our HEAVY DUTY LED strips.
RGBWW Low Profile LED Light Strips
Heavy Duty Hi-Intensity LED Light Strips
NOTE ON EXTENDED USE. We do not recommend leaving your Boogey Lights® on for 24 hours a day. The LEDs used in these products are very bright; the brightest 12vdc LED lights available. They're designed to be used for accent lighting applications where they are typically powered on for a few hours (rarely at the highest brightest setting) and then powered off. While they can be used in functional lighting applications (e.g. bright white to temporarily illuminate a work area), the lights should not be left powered on for extended periods of time (e.g. 6+ hours) particularly on white and at the highest brightness setting. If the LEDs are left powered on for long periods of time the LEDs closest to the power source will have a burned look to them over time. This is because the amount of voltage being pulled through the LEDs closest to the power source will be higher than the voltage going through the LEDs further down the strip. The end result is that those LEDs closest to the power source will be hotter thus creating the burned look. This will occur mostly when displaying the color white on the full brightness setting but can also occur with other colors if left on at the highest brightness setting. For this reason, we do not suggest leaving these LED lights powered up for extended periods of time particularly on their brightest setting. If you are going to leave the lights on for extended periods of time, we recommend never doing so on the color white and not on the highest brightness setting. Burned looking LEDs is NOT covered under warranty.
View the complete limited product Warranty Terms & Conditions here.
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